LED Wall View Distance

 The LED viewing distance simply refers to the perfect distance between the LED display and the viewer.

When selecting a Direct View LED video wall, the most fundamental decision to make is what pixel pitch to choose. Pixel pitch, or pitch,
is the millimeter measurement of space between the centers of LED pixels in the video wall. A video wall with 2 millimeter (2mm) pitch has 2mm distance between any two adjacent pixels.
Pixel pitch directly determines pixel density—the number of pixels in a given screen area—and pixel density directly determines recommended viewing distance–the distance away from the video wall a viewer should be to have a satisfactory viewing experience.
The finer, or smaller, the pitch, the closer the acceptable viewing distance. The larger the pitch, the further away a viewer should be.
Fine pitch LED video walls are considered to be within the range from 0.6mm to approximately 2.5mm with anything with larger pitch being considered Standard pitch. Pitch also directly influences cost. As pixel pitches and viewing distances decrease, pixel density and costs increase.
For the best value, it’s important to know the average viewing distance for the primary application, then select the video wall display with a pitch that suites it best

LED Wall Viewing Distance Calculation

Acceptable viewing distance is subjective; it’s whatever a viewer perceives to be acceptable. There are, however, methodologies to determine acceptable viewing distance in a more objective way:

 How to Choose the Right Pixel Pitch LED WALL

LED Wall Viewing Distance Chart

This Viewing Distance Chart lists the calculations for Visual Acuity Distance and Average Comfortable Viewing Distance related to pixel pitches from 0.6mm to 10mm.

 led wall view distance

 Your Guide to Pixel Pitch & LED Walls

 Direct View LED video wall installations are used around the world to transform spaces and create dramatic visual impact

Your Guide to Pixel Pitch & LED Walls

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